Holy Week Recap
Stations of the Cross
In 2002, Indigenous Christian Fellowship commissioned Cree artist Ovide Bighetty to paint The Creator’s Sacrifice; (the Easter story or the passion of Jesus Christ). Click here for more info.
Scott Erickson is an artist, author, performance speaker, and creative curate who mixes autobiography, mythology, and aesthetics to create art and moments that speak to our deepest experiences. Click here for more info.
Maundy Thursday
34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” - John 13:34-35
The Platform during Holy Week participated in Maundy Thursday. The young adults had a potluck and then during the night would pray guided prayers and read scripture all in relation to Jesus’ last supper with his disciples.
Good Friday
Our Good Friday service was a time to contemplate Jesus’ suffering and death. A deeply liturgical service filled with moments of singing, scripture reading, meditation all culminating to communion to finish off the morning.
Resurrection Sunday
“Resurrection never feels like being made clean and nice and pious … New doesn’t always look perfect. Like the Easter story itself, new is often messy … New looks like every fresh start and every act of forgiveness and every moment of letting go of what we thought we couldn’t live without and then somehow living without it anyway. New is the thing we never saw coming – never even hoped for – but ends up being what we needed all along.”
Nadia Bolz-Weber
It was a beautiful resurrection Sunday and we want to thank all who came. With a bright sunny morning we saw many smiling faces. We were able to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ with both visitors and regular Westsiders!