The Journal Project.
The aim of producing a journal is to help you be intentional about your journey of spiritual life and growth.
Our journal creates space for you to pay attention to what God is doing in you as we teach through the Christian liturgical year. Our teaching follows the Revised Common Lectionary so that we as an individual community read scripture “with” the wider church.
The lectionary is a three year cycle of readings that journeys us as a community through the story of God’s faithfulness and grace in Scripture and through Jesus. This year we are in year C of that cycle, so our Gospel readings are predominately from the gospel of Luke. The lectionary cycle leads us through the cycles of the life of Jesus - Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost, and then the season known as “Ordinary Time” where we dive into the other stories of Jesus’s life and Scripture.
The journal is a place to listen, sort, discern, and remember the weekly sermons from each Sunday at WKC as we navigate the seasons. You can use the texts for each week to shape your devotional life. Reflect on the Gospel reading, explore how the other texts “fill out” your understanding. Use the weekly psalm in your daily prayer. Contemplate how the text is inviting you to embody Jesus in your life. You could even look ahead to the coming weekend and prayerfully consider the texts before coming to church.
The 2024 journal launched on December 1, and is available in print and onsite at WKC.

The Journal Project is made possible by the support of Little Rock Printing, Calgary. Their generosity allows this and other print projects at WKC to remain affordable.