Generosity in finance towards the church is an integral part of our worship. As Christians, our goal is to be good trustees of that which God has entrusted to us. We invite our community to give sacrificially and cheerfully, and in so doing participate with one another in financially sustaining our church. We don’t ask for a set percentage from each other, but rather try to live in the grace of the gospel and freely sacrifice towards that. All giving to Westside supports our mission, staff, programs, and to fulfill our commitment to invest at least 10% of our budget into local and global partners committed to kingdom justice.
There is an opportunity to give each Sunday using the giving stations throughout the building. Westside doesn’t have a time during the service to “take an offering” as you might expect; instead we invite you to visit one of the giving stations while you are with us. However, most people choose to give regularly using monthly pre-authorized debits, credit card payments, or one of our online options. Gifts in kind and stock donation can also be made through Link Charity. For more information email accounting@wkc.org
generosity at westside
Our church has been incorporated as Westside King’s Church Society under the provision of the Societies Act of Alberta. The Society is a registered charity within the meaning of the Income Tax Act (Canada) and is exempt from paying income taxes. We are a member of the Canadian Council of Christian Charities. Our finances are reviewed regularly by our finance committee. Their updates are reviewed as part of our monthly Board of Trustee meetings. Quarterly updates are shared to our community in our newsletter.