Pursuing Wholeness: Food Security

If there is one biblical word that summarizes what God wants for the world the word is Shalom. This Hebrew word is often translated “Peace”. But in the biblical narrative this word carries the ideas of well-being, abundance, justice, and perhaps most clearly, wholeness. It is what Jesus came to bring. His kingdom vision was a place of wholeness and restoration for every broken part of God’s creation. Pursuing Wholeness is a call to participate in creating peace, doing what is right, being merciful, and more, for the world. It invites us to love our neighbour as ourselves, to listen, to collaborate and to advocate together for what is right, for what is just, for what is Shalom. As Jesus said, blessed are the peacemakers, but we could translate that Blessed are those who pursue wholeness.

What does pursuing wholeness have to do with food security? Well food insecurity is when people have physical and economic barriers to access sufficient safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. To love our neighbour is to make sure hey have their basic needs met which includes food. Pursuing wholeness is pursuing food security for our local community.

WKC wants to address food insecurity in our neighborhood by supporting the Rosscarrock Community Fridge and Pantry.  For the month of June we are having a food drive to support the the Rosscarrock Community Fridge! Every Sunday in June, you can bring non-perishable food items to the 9:00am or 11:00am service.  

The Rosscarrock Community Fridge, located by the community hall, is a shared space that provides 24/7 access to free, fresh, and nutritious food for anyone who may need it without judgement. The fridge is a partnership between the Rosscarrock Community Association and a mutual aid group called The Hatch. 

See below what items to bring this Sunday.


Westside Breakfast
