WKC Kids
“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3
We are so thankful for our kids here at Westside and all who serve in the children’s ministry. As WKC seeks to serve God and the kids here at Westside, here is what is guiding that process:
Vision: to see ordinary children encounter and embody the surprising grace of Jesus.
Mission: to empower and equip children to live lives that are Jesus-centred, dialogical, and whole, wherever they find themselves.
Purpose: Westside Kids exists to partner with families to draw kids close into relationship with Christ and equip them to live lives of Shalom.
Westside kids values:
Westside kids is safe.
Westside kid’s teaching is relevant, application oriented and creative.
Westside kids values children for who they are today.
Westside kids intentionally shepherds kids.
Westside kids is fun.
Look below for some pictures and join us in prayer for our WKC Kids.
A prayer for Westside kids
Loving God, your Son told his disciples to become like little children. Lead us to work for the welfare
and protection of all young people. May we respect their dignity that they may flourish in life, following the example of the same Jesus Christ our Lord.
And may the children at Westside encounter you Jesus and through that encounter know they are loved. We thank you for those who shepherd the children of Westside. We pray a blessing on them through the kids, knowing you Jesus show yourself through the hearts of children. May we not only teach our kids but learn from them and become like little children as we are now in the family of God.