Holy Week 2023

April 2 | 9am & 11am | Palm Sunday

Begin Holy Week with us at one of our two Sunday Services.

April 4-5 | Stations of the Cross

Join us between 9am-9pm for a reflective time of journeying through the story of Jesus toward the cross through artwork, various readings and prayers provided. We encourage you to come whenever works in your schedule. This will be a self-guided reflection, but booklets will be available to you when you arrive.

On Wednesday evening at 7pm there will be a guided stations of the cross gathering led by Jimmy Chow.

April 6 | Maundy Thursday: Liturgy at Home

Something new we started during the pandemic because of restrictions, but now we love. Collect a recipe card and liturgy from the church on Palm Sunday, invite some friends, cook a meal and pray and reflect on Jesus’ last meal before the cross.

April 7 | 11am | Good Friday

A beautiful contemplative service that reflects on the death of Jesus for us and the world.

Please note there will be no kids ministry programming at this service.

April 9 | 9am & 11am | Resurrection Sunday

The Sunday that is the reason we’re here every week. Join us at one of the two services to celebrate Easter!